All.Can hosted a workshop at this year’s European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG) titled ‘Making cancer more efficient – what role can different stakeholders play?’
The workshop was aimed at encouraging people to think differently about how we can foster innovation in cancer, and better care for patients, looking across the care continuum and among different sectors.
The focus of the workshop was how greater efficiency can be achieved in cancer care by finding new ways of working between all stakeholders. This includes healthcare professionals, patients and patient groups, academia, payers, policymakers, industry, researchers and more non-traditional stakeholders such as IT and data providers.
The session was moderated by Vivek Muthu of Marivek Ltd. Speakers included:
- Kathy Oliver, founding Co-Director and Chair, International Brain Tumour Alliance (IBTA).
- Tit Albreht, Head of the Centre for Health Care, National Institute of Public Health, Slovenia.
- Birgit Beger, CEO of European CanCer Organisation (ECCO)
- Deepak Khanna, Senior Vice President and Regional President (EMEAC), MSD Oncology
- Wendy Yared, Director, Association of European Cancer Leagues.