Who can join All.Can international?

All.Can’s members are oncology professionals, patient and civil society advocates, policymakers, and academics. Members contribute their unique knowledge and expertise to improve efficiency in cancer care through evidence-based policy research and best practice dissemination; members act as champions for All.Can International, helping to publicise our work, upcoming events, publications and research findings.

Membership is for any stakeholder who:

  • shares the vision and goals of All.Can, including the implementation of efficient cancer care and practice
  • is well established, has financial stability and is well regarded in the cancer community
  • is/has leaders and experts able to take an active and constructive role in All.Can by:
    • providing specific expertise in cancer policy
    • contributing to advocate for positive policy and practice change
  • has not only a national but international perspective/focus, including low income nations
  • is transparent in its funding sources (for organisations)
  • has the potential ability to fund or co-fund projects (for organisations)
  • agrees to observe the Terms of Reference.

Anyone who meets the above criteria and wishes to join All.Can is invited to complete the membership application form. New members must be approved by a majority vote of the All.Can International Board of Directors.

For individuals, we encourage you to follow All.Can International’s global network first by subscribing to our newsletter and our social media channels to ensure alignment of activities. Everyone with an interest in creating efficiencies in cancer care can be part of our network, and receive updates of our activities or be invited to our events; however All.Can membership is reserved to those with experience in cancer policy and care, and who are able to contribute on a regular basis.

Membership comprises of general members (non-profit organisations or experts in the field of oncology and/or cancer policy wishing to contribute in kind to All.Can’s programme of activities) and funding partners (non-for-profit organisations or for-profit companies which are general members but also contribute financially). For a full list of our current members, see our members page.

Why join All.Can international?

Benefits of membership include the following:

  • Invitation to join any of the All.Can International working groups and contribute to the development of projects
  • Inclusion of organisation logo on All.Can website and in all official outputs
  • Opportunity to be nominated to the Board of Directors
  • Invitation to co-author key research outputs
  • Voting rights at annual general meeting (AGM).

Do you want to join All.Can international and help us work towards a world in which patients are always at the heart of sustainable cancer care? Complete the online membership application form or contact us for more details.