Key Learnings in 4 Member States from the collaboration between EFPIA and All.Can
All.Can and the EFPIA Oncology Platform (EOP) started a collaboration in April 2023 to promote a constructive and evidence-based dialogue on the implementation of the EU Cancer Screening Recommendation in four EU countries…
In 2023 cancer marked a grim milestone by becoming the leading cause of death in Spain
According to data shared in the Death Statistics according to Cause of Death produced by the INE (National Statistics Institute), in 2023 cancer overtook all other illnesses becoming the leading…
All.Can Spain conveys the importance of reducing time during oncological processes, to the Health Committee of the Spanish Congress of Deputies
The Scientific Committee of All.Can Spain has appeared before the Health Committee of the Spanish Congress of Deputies, to present its 2nd report titled: “Cancer does not understand waiting times.…
All.Can Spain promotes the summit of Patients, Experts, Autonomous Regions and Ministry of Health to advance in the implementation of lung, prostate and gastric cancer screening following the recommendations of the European Union
Yesterday, the summit “New Horizons in Cancer Screening in Europe: Implications for Implementation in the NHS” was held at the representation of the European Commission in Spain, in collaboration…
All.Can endorsed MNI’s European election Manifesto
Today, MNI adopted its European election Manifesto, endorsed by All.Can, SNE and ESNO. This Call for action aims to guide the next mandate and agendas of the EU bodies, focusing…
All Can Mexico 2023 Update: Empowering Cancer Care Efficiency
Engaging the Community through Social Media Channels: We are thrilled to announce the successful launch of All Can Mexico’s official social media channels. Through our Instagram account ( and our…
World Cancer Day 2024
All.Can International is committed to advance efficiency of cancer care, aiming for improved outcomes for individuals affected by cancer. Our global presence spans 21 countries through National Initiatives, supplemented by…
All.Can Australia marks World Cancer Day with new, united voices
Not-for-profit organisation All.Can Australia is proud to announce that Australian-US based actress, motion capture artist, dancer and creative director/producer Dani Swan has officially become the organisation’s first ambassador. This development…