All.Can International participated in the ELLOK 9th Conference
All.Can Action Guide for Efficient Cancer Care gets featured on Euractiv’s Advocacy Lab
An article summarizing the findings of the Efficiency Metrics study has been published on Cancerworld
On 16 September 2024, All.Can published its Action Guide For Efficient Cancer Care, designed to offer actionable insights and practical guidance for the implementation of cancer care efficiency metrics across health systems. This Action Guide was produced on behalf of, and in close collaboration with, All.Can International by a research team from the Health Care Systems and Services research unit in the Department of Public and Occupational Health at Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Link to the article:
OncoDaily has featured our All.Can Summit 2024
Link to the article:
All.Can CEO Eduardo Pisani has co-authored, together with All.Can colleagues Kathy Oliver, Matti Aapro and Tit Albreht, an article in the Journal of Cancer Policy
We are pleased to announce that All.Can CEO Eduardo Pisani has co-authored, together with All.Can colleagues Kathy Oliver, Matti Aapro and Tit Albreht, the recently published article in the Journal of Cancer Policy: How to improve efficiency in cancer care: dimensions, methods, and areas of evaluation
We invite you to read the article online:
The All.Can Efficiency Metrics study has been featured in Cancerworld
An article summarizing the findings of the Efficiency Metrics study has been published on Cancerworld.
On 17 June 2022, All.Can published its Efficiency Metrics study, a policy research which proposes a set of internationally applicable and real-world measures generated and collected from daily clinical practice. The report can be used by relevant stakeholders to assess efficiency in cancer care and aims to harmonise and set standards in cancer care efficiency globally.
How can cancer care be more efficient?
Health Europa has written about the latest All.Can International publication – a comprehensive study exploring how to enhance the efficiency of cancer care.
Inefficient cancer care is a leading factor in poorer outcomes for patients. Approximately one-fifth of health spending across the OECD is wasted. Removing this waste could reduce healthcare spending by up to 40% across.
Policy report: Harnessing data for better cancer care
On 27 May 2021, All.Can International launched its latest policy report Harnessing data for better cancer care.
The report assesses the essential role of data in cancer care to improve outcomes for all people with cancer. It offers policymakers, care providers, patients and decision-makers a forward-looking view of how to ensure high-quality health data are systematically collected and used to improve outcomes for patients across the entire cancer care pathway.
Cancerworld: ‘The potential of data to improve efficiency in cancer care’
Read the summary of the webinar on “The potential of data to improve efficiency in cancer care”, during which, inter alia, “All.Can’s report Harnessing data for better” cancer care, was presented.
The webinar is part of the “Spotlights on Improving Efficiency in Cancer Care” series, organised by SPCC and held within the frame of the project “Improving Efficiency in Cancer Care: 2020-2021”, in collaboration with All.Can and SDA Bocconi School of Management.
Brain Tumor Magazine: ‘Data-driven efficiency across the cancer care pathway’
Read the article on All.Can’s data report written by Shannon Boldon and Suzanne Wait (The Health Policy Partnership) on behalf of All.Can International here.
UICC blog post ‘Reducing equity gaps in cancer care through innovation and data’
Contribution by All.Can International CEO Eduardo Pisani presenting All.Can’s understanding of efficient cancer care and the vital role of data in making equitable access to high-quality care a reality for everyone affected by cancer.
Click here to read the blog post.
All.Can data report featured in Innovation News Network
Innovation News Network has published an article in which Eduardo Pisani, CEO of All.Can International, discusses All.Can’s recently-published landmark report entitled Harnessing data for better cancer care.
Click here to read the article.
All.Can data report featured in Fortune Health Italia
Fortune Health Italia magazine has published an op-ed by All.Can CEO Eduardo Pisani on the new All.Can policy report ‘Harnessing data for better cancer care’.
The article highlights the tremendous potential of data to drive quality, innovation and efficiency across the entire cancer care continuum. Currently, the lack of interoperability, compartmentalization of data, complex governance and limited capacity for secondary uses of data represent some of the obstacles to the implementation of effective policies in many countries. These challenges hinder the analysis and extraction of fundamental information from the available data to be able to make the best decisions. The European Health Data Space aims to tackle this by allowing access to and exchange of different types of health data, not only to support the delivery of health services but also for research and policy development purposes.
The full article is available here (in Italian).
Patient survey report
In July 2019, we published the findings of the All.Can patient survey. Nearly 4,000 cancer patients and caregivers from 10 countries responded to the survey and shared their experiences on how cancer care can be improved.
The report was very well received and obtained strong media coverage.
Feature articles
Vol.24, no.3, September 2018
Patient empowerment driving sustainable cancer care
Eurohealth published a feature article focusing on the delivery of sustainable health systems by looking at patient insights and improving efficiency. This article was authored by Kathy Oliver, Stefan Gijssels, Shannon Boldon and Suzanne Wait on behalf of All.Can.
Vol.23, no.3, September 2017
All.Can — Calling for greater efficiency in cancer care through novel partnerships
Eurohealth published an article ahead of the first All.Can session at the European Health Forum Gastein in 2017. This four-page article details the aims and ambitions of All.Can while with a focus on the need for improved efficiency in cancer care. This article was authored by Suzanne Wait, Kathy Oliver, Vivek Muthu, Wendy Yared, Tit Albreht and Deepak Khanna on behalf of All.Can.
Open Access Government
Issue 17, February 2018
The challenge of sustainability in cancer care
Open Access Government published an article in 2018 showcasing All.Can with examples of efficiency in action.
Brain Tumour Magazine
World Edition 2017/2018
All.Can – striving for greater efficiency in cancer care
Brain Tumour Magazine published an article highlighting how efficiency in cancer care improves the quality of care patients receive, while highlighting key examples from the All.Can policy report. This article was authored by Suzanne Wait on behalf of the All.Can initiative
Parliament Magazine
Issue 461, September 2017
The All.Can Initiative Puts Patients At The Heart Of Cancer Policy
This is a Thought Leader column published in Parliament Magazine detailing the importance of efficiency in cancer care. This article was authored by Suzanne Wait on behalf of All.Can.
News clippings from All.Can around the world
All.Can UK
In December 2018 All.Can UK launched their interim findings from the All.Can patient survey pilot. The findings launched at the Britain Against Cancer conference in London showcased UK specific data. News of their findings was published in local and national British news media, in addition to policy and health press. Read some of their coverage below: