The All.Can Global Summit 2024 took place on the 16th of September in Geneva. The 2024 All.Can Global Summit will served as a unique platform to discuss and exchange strategies for implementing efficiency in cancer care, with the goal of identifying tangible, actionable steps to enhance cancer care worldwide.

Over the years, All.Can has highlighted the importance of efficient cancer care as a policy priority with the release of its flagship “Building Efficiency in Cancer Care.” Recently, it published internationally applicable Efficiency Metrics for stakeholders to improve cancer care efficiency. In 2023, All.Can created a Cancer Efficiency Heatmap to map and benchmark efficiency in cancer care policies globally.

This year’s summit saw the launch of our latest publication, an Action Guide for Metrics Implementation, and showcased best practices from Greece, Switzerland, Canada, Australia in the field of (efficient) cancer care by shining a light on the most impactful projects, looking throughout the care pathway.

Our panel of speakers focused on (I) Implementing efficiency measures (metrics) for better outcomes in cancer care (II) Advancing Efficient Cancer Care through the care pathways: (a) prevention & screening (b) early detection & care (c) optimisation of care & patient choice (d) holistic and integrated care & quality of life and included:

  • Dr. Dionne Kringos, Chair of the Section on Quality and Organisation of Care and Principal Investigator Health Systems and Services Research Group, University of Amsterdam
  • Ana Sofia Carvalho MD MScPH, University of Amsterdam
  • Dr Zofia Das Gupta, Director of Outcomes Research, The International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM)
  • Prof. Christobel Saunders, Melbourne Medical School | University of Melbourne
  • Dr. Isabelle Soerjomataram, Deputy Head of the Cancer Surveillance Branch, IARC
  • Dr. Marius Geantă, President and Co-Founder, Center for Innovation in Medicine (InoMed)
  • Antonella Cardone, CEO, Canter Patients Europe and Patient Advocacy Expert and Advisor, Board of Pancreatic Cancer Europe (PCE)
  • Matt Hickey, Founder and CEO, The Health Value Alliance

Check out the recordings from the Summit below: