With the EU elections on the horizon, the EU Health Coalition, which includes All.Can International as a member, has recently launched their manifesto aimed at fostering a healthier Europe.

The manifesto underscores the importance of recognising the health and life science sector as a central strategic pillar for Europe, emphasising the significance of improved well-being and innovation. To realise this vision, the EU Health Coalition puts forth a set of key recommendations to EU policymakers:

  • Make European health systems truly integrated and people-centred
  • Invest in upskilling the European health workforce
  • Reframe healthcare expenditure as an investment, not a cost
  • Create the basis for Europe as a true research and innovation hub
  • Create a health and life science office in the European Commission, reporting to a Vice President, to spearhead a coherent European strategy for this sector.

By implementing the recommended strategies, EU policymakers can pave the way for improved healthcare, enhanced innovation, and better lives for all Europeans.