All.Can has partnered with the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM) to undertake a landmark study in lung and breast cancer, which officially launches today (Monday 18 June 2018).
The project – Improving Value for Lung and Breast Cancer Patients: a European study of outcomes in practice – aims to measure outcomes consistently across a community of provider units. The participating units are located in Belgium, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and the UK.
The launch event will give the participating units an opportunity to learn more about value-based healthcare and the project’s vision and methodology. It will also introduce ICHOM’s standard sets for lung cancer and breast cancer, and explain the next steps for providers. The event takes place at a participating hospital in Madrid.
Using a new methodology, the study will measure outcomes and costs that reflect the use of resources in the participating sites. This will enable providers to understand where variations in outcomes and value occur, and develop strategies for improving efficiency.
ICHOM will provide practical support to the provider community to measure value – defined as patient outcomes achieved divided by the cost of achieving those outcomes – in a standardised and sustainable way.
Findings from the study will be used to make concrete recommendations to policymakers on how to improve the efficiency of lung and breast cancer care.
To find out more about value-based healthcare, visit the ICHOM website.