How can cancer screening, prevention & access to treatment in Italy improve?

To answer this question, you are invited to the conference, “Time to Accelerate: Together Against Cancer” on Wednesday 17 April at 9.30-12.30 at Zuccari Hall – Palazzo Giustiniani, Rome!

 The event will delve into topics mentioned in the Time to Accelerate Manifesto, such as:

  • The future of the European Cancer Plan and the role of EU in supporting national cancer strategies
  • Cancer screening and the national cancer screening in Italy
  • Where Italy stands in cancer research, access to treatment, early diagnosis and prevention
  • Dialogues between associations, scientists and society

Speakers include MEP Alessandra Moretti, Prof. Walter Ricciardi (EU Mission on Cancer), Dr. Alberto Costa (European Cancer Organization) and Paolo Bonaretti (All.Can Italy).

New data from ECO’S National country report will be introduced to paint a fuller picture of cancer care in Italy.

The conference proceedings will be broadcasting in live streaming at senato WebTV and on the YouTube channel of the Italian Senate.

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Learn more about the Italian manifesto here.