All.Can Greece organized on 30 January 2023 a press conference in Athens for the presentation of the results of the White paper, entitled “Policy Recommendations for the Cancer Care Control in Greece”

The White Paper has been compiled from Iqvia Hellas with the collaboration of the All.Can Greece members.

The White paper encompasses viable recommendations for the development of a National Cancer Care Plan, for the improvement of oncological care in Greece, the need for the creation of a National Cancer Registry, sustainable ways and actions that will boost and enhance multidisciplinary research and cooperation between all the relevant stakeholders, as well as the improvement of provided cancer care & treatment for all patients.

Upon its completion, the All.Can Greece White Paper “Policy Recommendations for the Cancer Care Control in Greece” was distributed to cancer patients’ associations throughout Greece, to oncological hospitals, health professionals as well as the Greek Ministry of Health and relevant public health stakeholders.

The press conference was attended by dozens of media representatives, oncology associations & medical union members, as well as major health policy decision makers.

Click here to access the white paper “Policy Recommendations for the Cancer Care Control in Greece (Greek Edition):
Click here to watch the 30th January press conference