All.Can and the EFPIA Oncology Platform (EOP) started a collaboration in April 2023 to promote a constructive and evidence-based dialogue on the implementation of the EU Cancer Screening Recommendation in four EU countries – Belgium, Italy, Romania and Spain – as a further step towards greater efficiency in cancer care and better health outcomes.

Through high-level roundtables and policy dialogues held in these four countries, the national All.Can community, exchanging with key stakeholders and decision-makers, has been raising awareness on the value of cancer screening programmes and on concrete routes for country-level implementation. Key country activities executed during the second half of 2023 and the first quarter of 2024 focused on:

  • Awareness raising and communications activities
  • Policy research to support multistakeholder events, such as stakeholder survey; white paper; policy recommendations
  • High-level Roundtables (in person and virtual) organized in accordance with political context and developments
  • 1:1 stakeholder engagement.

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