Latest news
All.Can Australia launches in the lead-up to World Cancer Day
Australia has become the latest country to launch a national All.Can initiative.
Open Access Government publishes All.Can article on sustainability in cancer care
All.Can has contributed an article on the challenge of sustainability in cancer care to the latest issue of online magazine Open Access Government.
European Parliament seminar focuses on tackling inefficiencies in cancer care
The seminar gave a diverse audience the opportunity to hear about concrete examples of efficiency in cancer care.
Improving Value in Cancer Care study: call for applications
Site recruitment is now open for the Improving Value in Cancer Care study, which is being led by ICHOM in partnership with All.Can.
IBTA Masterclass outcomes report
At the third Biennial World Summit of Brain Tumour Patient Advocates, run by the International Brain Tumour Alliance, All.Can held a masterclass.
All.Can and ICHOM partnership project to be announced at ICHOM conference
All.Can and ICHOM are partnering on a major study on improving value in cancer care.
Outcomes report: All.Can session at European Health Forum Gastein 2017
All.Can invited stakeholders to adopt a different perspective to tackle the question of how to make cancer care more efficient.
ECCO and All.Can walk the talk: the first steps toward sustainable cancer care
ECCO – the European CanCer Organisation – has become an official member of the All.Can initiative.
All.Can begins first ever patient survey on waste and inefficiency in cancer care
We talk about focusing resources on delivering what matters most to patients.