National Initiatives news

Let’s put patient-perceived quality of cancer care on the agenda! 

How can we improve the quality of cancer treatment? The new report “Patient-perceived quality in cancer care” from All.Can Norway is trying to better define what the term “patient-perceived quality”…

Round table discussion”European and National Cancer Strategy: The digital leap towards improving oncology care” – November 1, 2023, Athens

MEP Stelios Kympouropoulos and the Hellenic Cancer Federation-ELLOK, in the framework of the All.Can Greece initiative, organised a round table discussion entitled: “European and National Cancer Strategy: The digital leap towards improving oncology care”,…

Event: Optimizing Equitable Cancer Diagnoses in Canada Roundtable

In Toronto, Ontario in either December 2023 or January 2024, All.Can Canada will host the Optimizing Equitable Cancer Diagnoses in Canada Roundtable. This event will consist of two days of dialogue followed…

New All.Can Canada Case Studies

We are pleased to announce that All.Can Canada has recently completed three case studies: Diagnostic Assessment Programs (DAP), Diagnostic Assessment Programs- Electronic Pathway Solutions (DAP-EPS), and Oncology Nurse Navigators (ONN).…

All.Can Greece – Online survey: Good practices in provided oncological care in Greece

All.Can Greece is currently conducting an online survey aiming to create a map of good practices in cancer care in Greece during the last years. The survey is aiming to…

All.Can Greece – Scientific webinar “Focusing on Quality: Challenges & Trends”

All.Can Greece organized a scientific webinar on 20 June 2023 entitled “Focusing on Quality: Challenges & Trends”. The webinar’s target was to inform cancer patients, health professionals, policymakers and the…

GENETIC TESTING IN POLAND – A PRIORITY OF PATIENTS FOR 2023 – Report and press conference supported by All.Can Poland

The SANITAS Association for Combating Cancer Diseases has prepared a report entitled: “Genetic testing in Poland. Current state, needs, problems, solutions”, which was presented during the debate on June 30…

All.Can Sverige till Vitalis!

Denna vecka pågår Vitalis i Göteborg, Nordens största eHälsomöte. All.Can Sverige kommer finnas på plats för att under torsdagen hålla i panelsamtalet ”Hur gör vi svensk sjukvård jämlik? Mät och…

All.Can Germany – Updates 2023

All.Can Germany is meanwhile co-operating with a consortium of medical professionals and care providers active engaged in improving cancer care in the rural town of Templin in the German state…