The Active Citizenship Network (ACN), one of the most widespread European citizens’ networks involving 206 civic, patient and user organisations from 34 countries, as well as 21 European/global network/umbrella organisations, has recently joined All.Can International as organisational member.
Established in 2001, ACN is the European branch of the independent Italian non-profit organisation Cittadinanzattiva founded in 1978. Its main objectives are the promotion of civic activism and participation in the political arena, and the protection of the citizen’s rights. ACN is the promoter of several important initiatives such as the European Charter of Patients’ Rights, the European Patients’ Rights Day and the MEPs Interest Group “European Patients’ Rights & Cross-Border Healthcare”.
At national level, Cittadinanzattiva has carried out many activities and projects in the field of oncology, such as the recent launch of the Manifesto for the right to personalized medicine. ACN is pleased to join forces with All.Can, keen to help disseminating All.Can’s work and amplifying its commitment at the European policy level. At the same time the work conducted by ACN in cancer care can be leveraged by All.Can and can provide examples of good practice.