The SANITAS Association for Combating Cancer Diseases has prepared a report entitled: “Genetic testing in Poland. Current state, needs, problems, solutions”, which was presented during the debate on June 30 in Warsaw. The aim of the report is to indicate the ways of development of Polish medical genetics by showing the barriers and needs in the widest possible aspect of problems, ranging from medical, technological, organizational, legal, financial to social and ethical. The report was held under the Honorary Patronage of the Patient Rights Ombudsman. The main partner of the publication is the All.Can Polska initiative, and the patronage over the publication was given by: Polish Oncology Society, Polish Society of Hematologists and Transfusiologists and Polish Society of Medical Coders.
Genetics, which has been developing at a rapid pace since the beginning of the 21st century, has
contributed to the progress in medicine, the creation of many effective drugs and technologies that enable their use, as well as treatment monitoring and genetic supervision of the patient. The implementation of the achievements of genetics in clinical practice requires the creation of an
efficient system of comprehensive genetic care in Poland, the subject of which should be the patient. The development of genetics in Poland is the basis for conducting modern, personalized therapies, giving a chance for effective treatment. The genesis of the report “Genetic testing in Poland. Current state, needs, problems, solutions” are the experiences and needs of patients related to the availability of services in the field of genetics. The report was created on the initiative of the SANITAS Association for Combating Cancer Diseases, which has been supporting patients with oncological and haemato-oncological diseases for over a decade. This report is a contribution of the SANITAS Association to the development of genetic testing in Poland, which is a priority for oncology and hematology patient organizations in 2023, but also an important area of interest for organizations supporting people with other diseases, e.g. cardiological, rare, metabolic or neurological – explained Aleksandra Rudnicka, spokesperson of the SANITAS Association and co-author of the Report.The report “Genetic testing in Poland – current state, needs, problems, solutions” met with great interest of the medical community, and above all, specialists from various fields of genetics who joined the work on this project. Thanks to their commitment and knowledge, a picture was created that comprehensively presents the situation of genetics in Poland, not only in the medical aspect, but also in the legal, bioethical and organizational aspects. As an initiative of All.Can Polska, the aim of which is to draw the attention of the public and decision-makers to the need to improve the effectiveness and stability of oncological care and the situation of patients, we joined the preparation of this document with pleasure. The SANITAS Association is a member of All.Can Polska, which makes us even more optimistic how much we can do together to improve the situation of Polish patients. We hope that the Report will serve to educate the society on genetics and will be helpful to decision-makers in introducing changes in genetic care for patients, on whom intensive work is currently underway under the supervision of Prof. dr hab. n. med. Anna Latos-Bieleńska, The National Consultant in the field of clinical genetics – emphasized Szymon Chrostowski, President of the Presidium of All.Can Polska.
The recommendations of the report cover the following areas: legal, accreditation of the laboratories, staff, organization of testing, standards, financing, co-operation – also with primary care doctors, ethics, tasks for scientific societies, role of patients organizations, education.
The press conference took place in Polish Press Agency on 30th June. The report has been presented by main authors. Over 30 journalists participated in the conference (live and on-line). The conference recording reached over 1000 viewers.
The report is available on SANITAS and All.Can Poland webpage:
Photos are available under the link:\
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