All.Can’s Annual Report “All.Can at 7” is now available for download.

The Annual Report of All.Can presents its achievements and milestones during its seventh year of existence, with highlights including the launch of the Cancer Efficiency Heatmap and the gathering of All.Can members, national initiatives and other stakeholders from around the world at All.Can’s Strategy Workshop and Roundtable, among many other projects and initiatives that were rolled out during the year. The annual report also showcases the progress made on projects and activities and the efforts undertaken by All.Can working groups and All.Can national initiatives.

Download the report:
Webview version

(in order to use the links found within the report, please open the report full screen by clicking on
”Read Now”, or download it above)

Below you will find some of our highlights videos from last year’s activities:

All.Can Mexico highlights video


All.Can Norway highlights video


All.Can Poland highlights video


All.Can Sweden highlights video


Matti Aapro (All.Can International President) – All.Can International Strategic Day


Alex Filicevas (All.Can International Past-President) – All.Can International Strategic Day


Eduardo Pisani (All.Can International CEO) – World Cancer Day