Policy Landscape Report – Public Policies and Opportunities to Advance the Oncological Agenda in Argentina
Research on the state of the art of oncology public policies in Argentina including some relevant actors to this agenda, and some of the information and evidence that All.Can Argentina…
All.Can Argentina activities declared of “Health Interest”
On December 2022, All.Can Argentina activities were declared of “Health interest” by the Buenos Aires City Parliament. The declaration states “The activities carried out by the All.Can Argentina platform which…
New All.Can Argentina survey “General Wellbeing of cancer patients”.
All.Can Argentina ended its second survey around cancer patient’s general wellbeing inspired in the PaRIS questionnaire used by the OECD. Carried out together with IPSOS Healthcare, it was a quali-quantitative…
Lung Cancer screening
As part of its oncology training program, All.Can Argentina produced a new video of lungcancer with focus in the importance of a screening program. The video includesthe participation of physicians…
“Efficiency in Cancer care” Roundtable
All.Can Argentina’s referents participated in the roundtable “Efficiency in Cancer Care” that was part of “El Cronista” (top tier newspaper in the country) webcast cycle. During the discussion, health…
General wellbeing of cancer patients in Argentina. New All.Can Argentina survey
All.Can Argentina ended its new survey around cancer patient’s general wellbeing inspired in the PaRIS questionnaire used by the OECD. Carried out together with IPSOS Healthcare, it is a quali-quantitative…
New policy document of All.Can Argentina
“Cancer care in Argentina Proposals to improve efficiency” In this document All.Can Argentina proposes targeted actions to increase efficiency and equity in the continuum of comprehensive cancer care. The…
All.Can Argentina: Qualitative Study on Barriers to Access from the Perspective of Patients and Oncologists
All.Can Argentina recently released the publication of a scientific paper based on their Patients’ Survey: Qualitative Study on Barriers to Access from the Perspective of Patients and Oncologists. The paper…
All.Can Argentina completes first video series of oncology training program for primary care doctors
All.Can Argentina decided to promote actions to shorten the time between the first consultation of the patient and cancer diagnosis. The work focuses on training of primary care physicians in…