All.Can Argentina ended its new survey around cancer patient’s general wellbeing inspired in the PaRIS questionnaire used by the OECD. Carried out together with IPSOS Healthcare, it is a quali-quantitative survey that included 328 patients with cancer (with different types and stages) who have been cared for in the primary / outpatient health system during the last 6 months. The survey included 20 in-depth interviews to cancer patients with a qualitative approach.

According to a new survey, almost half of cancer patients believe that there is no articulated work between the doctors who attend them. Data obtained reveals that nurses are considered “emotional pillars of treatments” and that most doctors are evaluated as “warm and supportive”. This is an advantage taking into account that, also according to research, cold and uncommitted professionals threaten adherence to treatment. One of the possibly most unexpected results is that care in the public system it is the most praised, although the bureaucracy and the infrastructure in this sector are criticized. Almost half of the patients indicated that medical care is not organized “in a way that is functional to the patient’s routine.” The survey also showed that 60% of cancer patients suffer from anxiety, depression and irritation, but they do not always use psychological support.

The objective of the quantitative phase of the survey was to better understand the experience of adult cancer patients regarding care and their general well-being, focusing on aspects related to physical, mental and social health. The objective of the qualitative phase was to explore the perceptions of cancer patients in relation to emotional support during their treatment and to know the patients’ assessment of the health system. 

