Response of the Ministry of Health to the appeal of the All.Can Polska initiative regarding the functioning of Polish oncology in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic
The document is available at the link below:all-can.pl/data/Odpowiedz_MZ_na_apel_AllCan_Polska.pdf
Appeal of All.Can Polska “Oncology during the COVID-19 pandemic”
The COVID-19 pandemic has made everything subordinate to the fight against the coronavirus. The exceptional situation is for patients with oncological diseases, who, due to their reduced immunity and the…
All.Can Polska provides information related to the care of hemato-oncological patients in the time of the COVID-19 epidemic
All.Can Polska provides information related to the care of hemato-oncological patients in the time of the COVID-19 epidemic. Go to the website: https://hematoonkologia.pl/koronawirus
All.Can’s position on continued access to cancer care during the COVID 19 epidemic
The purpose of this document is to provide recommendations and practical tips to ensure effective care for cancer patients during the COVID-19 crisis. http://all-can.pl/data/stanowisko_All_Can_COVID_kwiecien_2020.pdf
XV Health Market Forum October 21st-22nd, 2019
The Health Market Forum was held for the 15th time. Representing All.Can Poland Beata Ambroziewicz and Szymon Chrostowski participated as panelists in 2 sessions In the session “Financing health services…
All.Can Poland at the Cancer Prevention 2020 conference, September 2019
On September 18th, 2019, representatives of All.Can Poland participated in the Cancer Prevention 2020 conference organized by the Medical Research Agency. Conference participants discussed the directions outlined in the National…
Summer Oncology Academy for Journalists, August 2019
All.Can Poland took part in the IX Summer Academy of Oncology for the second time. The initiative was represented by Szymon Chrostowski, Chairman of the Steering Group of All.Can Poland,…
All.Can at the Congress of the Polish Society of Oncological Surgery, May 2019
All.Can Poland was invited to take part in the session “Cooperation of patients and oncologists during the XXV Jubilee Congress of the Polish Society of Oncological Surgery, which was held…