All.Can Polska at the IV Congress of Health Challenges, March 2019
On March 7th-8th, 2019, the IV Health Challenges Congress (HCC) took place. It is a forum for multi-threaded discussion on key issues for healthcare systems. Among the invited guests was…
XIV Health Market Forum, session “Indirect costs in the health care system” 23rd October 2018
The participants of the session discussed the definitions of indirect costs and the validity of the analysis of the so-called the total cost of disease, which is essential for a…
All.Can Poland at the Summer Oncology Academy for Journalists 12th August 2018
For the VIII time, the Summer Oncology Academy for Journalists was held, organized by the Dr. Maciej Hilgier Fundation. As part of a series of educational lectures for journalists on…
All.Can Poland leads talks on challenges in cancer care at the annual Summer Oncology Academy in Warsaw
All.Can Poland organised two panel discussions at the 7th Summer Oncology Academy in Warsaw.
All.Can Poland leads panel discussion at Health Summit
All.Can Poland led a panel discussion at the Health Summit 2017, which took place in Warsaw.
Polish Minister of Health responds to All.Can Poland petition
Poland’s Minister of Health responded to a petition submitted by the Polish All.Can Stakeholder Group.
Polish All.Can initiative officially launched on 21 March 2017
The All.Can initiative was officially launched in Poland on 21 March, during the first panel of the 6th Oncology Patient Forum.