After the session held at the Spanish Congress of Deputies on November 4th,  All.Can Spain continues to delve into the content of the draft joint Non-Legislative Proposal (NLP) presented by the Scientific Committee. To this end, a meeting was held with Agustín Santos, President of the Spanish Health Commission and member of the Plurinational Parliamentary Group SUMAR, to discuss the content and exchange views on this proposal aimed at improving the experience of oncology patients.
This draft of NLP summarised the key recommendations from the two reports produced by the Scientific Committee, all focused on identifying and addressing inefficiencies, with the aim of building a sustainable healthcare model that provides optimal support and resources for cancer patients, covering everything from diagnostic suspicion to the initiation of treatment for oncology patients.
This meeting and the presentation of the NPL are of particular importance now that cancer has become, for the first time since 2023, the leading cause of death in Spain.