All.Can Spain & the Conselleria de Sanidade place cancer Screening at the center of prevention policies in a key event
On Thursday, December 19th All.Can Spain, the Spanish chapter of the international cancer platform All.Can, in collaboration with the Conselleria de Sanidade in Galicia, organized an event where the main…
All.Can Spain and the Spanish Health Commission identify inefficiencies to improve cancer care in Spain
After the session held at the Spanish Congress of Deputies on November 4th, All.Can Spain continues to delve into the content of the draft joint Non-Legislative Proposal (NLP) presented by the…
All.Can Spain calls for action to prioritize the fight against cancer and presents 9 recommendations in Congress to optimize its approach
On November 4th, All.Can Spain took a significant step in the fight against cancer by calling for political action during a session held at the Spanish Congress of Deputies. At…
MSD joins the leading Cancer Platform All.Can Spain
In a significant stride towards enhancing cancer care in Spain, MSD has joined as a financing member the All.Can Spain platform, the Spanish chapter of All.Can International, together with Bristol-Myers Squibb and Amgen.…
Rising cancer rates in young adults: an 80% increase in three decades
The number of tumors in people under the age of 50 has increased by almost 80% in three decades. In 2019, new diagnoses among this age group amounted to 3.26 million,…
In 2023 cancer marked a grim milestone by becoming the leading cause of death in Spain
According to data shared in the Death Statistics according to Cause of Death produced by the INE (National Statistics Institute), in 2023 cancer overtook all other illnesses becoming the leading…
All.Can Spain conveys the importance of reducing time during oncological processes, to the Health Committee of the Spanish Congress of Deputies
The Scientific Committee of All.Can Spain has appeared before the Health Committee of the Spanish Congress of Deputies, to present its 2nd report titled: “Cancer does not understand waiting times.…
All.Can Spain promotes the summit of Patients, Experts, Autonomous Regions and Ministry of Health to advance in the implementation of lung, prostate and gastric cancer screening following the recommendations of the European Union
Yesterday, the summit “New Horizons in Cancer Screening in Europe: Implications for Implementation in the NHS” was held at the representation of the European Commission in Spain, in collaboration…
All.Can Spain holds a workshop on the need to make progress on the new EU recommendation on cancer screening in the country
All.Can Spain holds a workshop on the need to make progress on the new EU recommendation on cancer screening in the country The event took place at the headquarters of…