Cancer care in Germany
The quality of cancer care in Germany is at its highest and access to treatment is available to all. However, challenges remain, such as differences in the quality of care between rural and urban areas, timely access to psycho-oncology, secure and sustainable financing of cancer counselling facilities, comprehensible guidance for patients while switching from in- to outpatient care and the decrease in quality of life for cancer patients six months after the end of therapy.
All.Can Germany is committed to working on these challenges in order to improve care for cancer patients in Germany. Currently, All.Can Germany is focusing on highlighting challenges in improving after care and access to care for patients from rural areas on all care levels. The number of cancer survivors has fortunately steadily increased over the last decades after care is lagging.
After care is needed in order to adequately care for patients after initial treatment and to detect possible relapses at an early stage. Cancer patients are often overwhelmed by a confusing care structure, as after care services are offered through a variety of institutions, organizations and carriers. All.Can Germany will bring together experts in the field of oncological cancer care in order to find solutions. Furthermore, All.Can Germany is working on inspiring the necessary political attention that is needed to implement these solutions.
For more details about All.Can Germany’s projects please continue reading below (All.Can Germany is going on).
All.Can Germany initiative
All.Can Germany was established with a kick-off event in November 2016. The initiative takes into account the entire patient pathway from a holistic perspective, from diagnosis and specialised cancer treatment to rehabilitation, returning to everyday life and follow-up care – including crucial aspects such as psycho-oncology, specialist cancer nursing and translational cancer research.
All.Can Germany aims to develop concepts to overcome gaps between these steps and in the future of cancer care: between self-help and physicians, intersectoral between inpatient and outpatient care, and linking cancer care with cancer research. Creating better links and interactions helps to reduce inefficiencies and improve cancer care overall, always focusing on patient needs.
In order to achieve these goals, All.Can Germany acts as a network and facilitates communication between stakeholders, patients, medical professionals and political representatives. All.Can Germany acts as a driving force and generator of ideas on specific projects improving cancer care in Germany. For more information on the projects of All.Can Germany please continue reading below.
All.Can Germany is going on
Currently, All.Can Germany is pursuing a regional oncological care pilot project in Saxony-Anhalt to enhance medical care for cancer patients. The project aims to better coordinate oncological care services for patients, thereby improving the quality of care and enhancing their quality of life.
The aim is to improve the transitions between in- and outpatient care and to pave the way for patients to receive care that meets their individual needs and identifies problems at an early stage. In particular, the project aims at benefiting those affected by less dense oncological care infrastructure in rural areas. The goal of the project is a holistic approach and thus includes a wide range of stakeholders, including university clinicians, cancer care researchers, patient representatives, insurers, and politicians.
On 17 June 2019, a working meeting took place in the constituency office of MP Tino Sorge on the possible establishment of a regional oncological care pilot project.
The challenges and opportunities of cancer care at a regional level were discussed at the working meeting using the example of Saxony-Anhalt. The following points were identified as important challenges of the Saxony-Anhalt region when it comes to cancer care:
- Long journeys and lack of coverage of travel costs;
- Lack of refinancing of cancer counselling centres/high demand for counselling in rural areas
- Unclear application procedures for costs incurred and thus prolonged processing times at the insurance company;
- A decrease in quality of life six months after therapy, especially for geriatric patients;
- Patients take advantage of cancer counselling services too late.
Possible solutions and premises for the pilot project were also discussed:
- Building on existing supply and care structures and using synergies;
- Generating evidence through patient surveys and focusing on the patients’ needs;
- Using “best practice” approaches;
- Testing of digital possibilities;
- Focusing on rural areas.
Following the first working meeting many individual conversations with the stakeholders took place in order to develop a more concrete plan for the pilot project. This plan was presented at the second working meeting on 15 May 2020.
MP Tino Sorge hosted and moderated this meeting. Due to the lasting implications of the Covid-19 epidemic MP Sorge welcomed the participants via video conference.
During the video conference, the participants generally agreed on the following approach:
The pilot project could be comprised of two stages. The first stage would be the data collection stage. The data would be assessed to gain cross-sector insights on the strengths and weaknesses of the current system and areas that require interventions. In the coming weeks, a working group should be established to conceptualize the data collection and evaluation phase.
The intended second stage would be medical care intervention based on the outcome of the prior evaluated data.
The limitations because of the lasting covid 19 pandemic interrupted this process.
But All.Can Germany is still working to improve political awareness for the need for improved after care for cancer patients in Germany. To obtain an overview of the legal requirements and medical guidelines for oncological after care, as well as offers outside of the doctor’s office, there was a restart to show along the patients pathway supporting services by nursery and pharmacies.
The first co-operating partner after the pandemic interruption is a project for integrated (cancer) care in the town Templin (Brandenburg). It started in 2022 as a general restart for All.Can in Germany. For more information see “Latest news”.
Cancer after care is only marginally addressed in the most important plans of the German government to combat cancer. With improved treatment options, the number of Cancer Survivors is growing continuously.
Cancer Survivors need and deserve an optimized after care structure. On the one hand, an improved after care structure offers a clear added value for cancer patients in the form of an optimized quality of life, tertiary prevention and stress and anxiety reduction. On the other hand, these patient benefits can offer great social added value, for example through more flexible reintegration models into the labour market and a reduced need for long-term care.
In 2024 we will work on an update of the national German cancer plan and are looking for new allies to proceed stronger in developing cancer care in the interest of patients.
Past activities and milestones
IIn 2017 and 2018 All.Can Germany conducted a roadshow to assess a baseline overview of the strengths and weaknesses of the cancer care system. Findings from this roadshow were, among others, the need for psycho-oncological support and more extensive networks to strengthen outpatient care services across sectors. Moreover, the roadshow was a valuable opportunity to learn about specialized oncological care and its chances for national scale-up. A report was written based on the findings of the roadshow. This report was presented at the regional conference NORTH in Hamburg in 2019. At the conference possible future activities for All.Can Germany were also discussed.
During the following years with limited activities because of the covid restrictions there were research activities for potential co-operating projects in the field of cancer care up to the beginning of 2022. The restart in 2022 has been accompanied by additional power for the project management from Projekt Partner.
Steering group
Patrick Jahn
University Clinic Halle (Saale)
Klaus Meier
President of the German Association of Oncological Pharmacy
Kerstin Paradies
Speaker of the Board of the Conference on oncological nursing and paediatric care
Andrew Ullmann, MP
German MP, Member of the Parliamentary Health Committee
Simone Pareigis
Head of Patients Self-Help in Leukemia and Lymphoma
All.Can Germany – Updates 2023
All.Can Germany – Updates December 2021
All.Can Germany Updates – April 2021
All.Can Germany updates – June 2020
Read about the latest updates from All.Can Germany: All.Can Germany is continuously expanding its steering committee and focusing on two main projects in 2020.
All.Can Germany regional pilot project
All.Can Germany provided an update on the latest development with regard to the regional oncological care pilot project.
All.Can Germany launches ten roadshow events to explore best practice
The All.Can national initiative in Germany is involved in planning a ‘roadshow’ – a series of events at ten locations across Germany.
Parliamentary Event
All.Can Germany will organize an expert panel at the German Parliament to discuss after care of oncology patients in Germany.
Planned for June 2020.
Past Events
All.Can Germany regional conference NORTH
28 March 2019
Patriotische Gesellschaft, Trostbrücke 4-6, 20457 Hamburg
All.Can Germany regional conference to improve local oncological care in rural areas.
Past events
All.Can Germany regional conference NORTH
28 March 2019
Patriotische Gesellschaft, Trostbrücke 4-6, 20457 Hamburg
All.Can Germany publications
All.Can Germany is currently working on new publications which are planned to be made available on this platform.
All.Can international’s first policy report, originally published in January 2017. Click the button below to download the German version.
The All.Can international comprises leading representatives from patient organisations, policymakers, healthcare professionals, research and industry. All members contribute their time for free to the initiative, and all publications from the group reflect consensus of the members, who hold full editorial control.
The All.Can international’s works is made possible with financial support from Bristol-Myers Squibb (main sponsor), Amgen, MSD and Johnson & Johnson (sponsors) and Varian (contributor), with additional non-financial (in kind) support from Intacare and GoingsOn. The All.Can Germany initiative is financially supported by Bristol Myers Squibb, AMGEN and MSD.