All.Can Belgium interviewed Prof. Dr. Ahmad Awada, Chair of All.Can Belgium’s Board of Directors
Earlier this year, All.Can Belgium published its memorandum on oncology care in Belgium. This listed a series of well-reasoned recommendations for the next government, divided into four key topics: prevention & screening,…
COVID-19 Patient Survey
All.Can Belgium has launched a patient survey to investigate the impact of covid19 on cancer patients.
All.Can Belgium – COVID response
Learn about the latest developments with regards to All.Can Belgium’s response to the COVID-19 crisis.
All.Can Belgium Press Release
Ensuring a rapid resumption of oncology care after the COVID-19 crisis: All.Can Belgium commits to provide expertise and support to the Group of Experts in charge of the Exit Strategy…
All.Can Belgium officially launched at historic Solvay library
On 14 March 2019 the Belgian All.Can initiative held its launch event in Brussels.
Registration opens for All.Can Belgium launch event
All.Can Belgium has announced the agenda and opened registration for its official launch event.
All.Can Belgium announces official launch event and newsletter
All.Can Belgium has developed a newsletter ahead of its official launch event in March 2019.
National All.Can initiative launched in Belgium
Belgium has launched its own national All.Can initiative, joining other countries across the world.