All.Can attends events around the world to present our work, share examples of efficiency and reach out to new audiences. Find out where to see us next, or read about our past workshops, meetings and seminars.
All.Can Global Summit
27 May 2021
Virtual event
The All.Can Global Summit 2021 brought together policymakers, patients, healthcare professionals, industry, health economists, academics and All.Can members from across the globe.
Virtual Launch event for Time To Act campaign – Don’t let Covid-19 stop you from tackling Cancer
11 May 2021
The European Cancer Organisation is pleased to announce the virtual launch event of the Time To Act campaign: Don’t let Covid-19 stop you from tackling Cancer, on Tuesday 11 May from 11:00-12:00 CEST
Sustainable Cancer Care in Europe: Building on patient insights & best practice a policy forum
3 February 2020
European Parliament
All.Can International is pleased to invite MEPs and stakeholders to join a discussion on priorities in improving efficiency in cancer care.
IBTA 2019 World Summit
9 October 2019
Bethesda, Maryland, United States
All.Can will be presenting the patient survey report at the IBTA World Summit in 2019.
ECCO European Cancer Summit 2019
12 September 2019
All.Can Steering Committee member Kathy Oliver, will be presenting finding from the Al.Can patient survey at the European CanCer Organisation (ECCO) 2019 European Cancer Summit in Brussels on 12 September.
ICHOM 2019 Conference
2 May 2019
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Suzanne Wait will be chairing a session at the annual ICHOM conference titled 'Applications of the ICHOM - All. Can Value in Breast and Lung cancer study' on 2 May.
ESMO 2018 Congress: ICHOM – All.Can
20 October 2018
Munich, Germany
ICHOM–All.Can presented a poster entitled 'Improving Value in Cancer Care study: A European study of outcomes in practice' at the annual ESMO Congress 2018.
All.Can at European Health Forum Gastein 2018
4 October 2018
Bad Hofgastein, Austria
All.Can hosted its second session at the European Health Forum Gastein (EHFG).
All.Can member presents patient perspectives at ECCO Summit
8 September 2018
All.Can Steering Committee member Kathy Oliver discussed interim findings from the All.Can patient survey at the European CanCer Organisation (ECCO) 2018 European Cancer Summit in Vienna on 8 September.