A pathway to ensure continuity of care for people with blood cancer: Italy

Haematologists in Rome developed a care pathway to improve continuity of care between the hospital and home for people with blood cancer.



Multidisciplinary care


Models of care


Many aspects of care

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eRAPID innovation for side effect self-reporting: England

In England, an online system allows people undergoing chemotherapy to report side effects and receive advice on managing them.





Patient involvement


Use of data or digital health


Models of care

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DNA-Med: improving access to cutting-edge cancer treatment in Germany

A team of urology specialists in Berlin set up a regional network to improve access to innovative treatments for metastatic prostate cancer. In 2022 the service is being now expanded to include other cancers and will available across Germany.



Personalised care




Use of data or digital health

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At-home chemotherapy: offering treatment outside hospital in Argentina

In Argentina, people with cancer can receive chemotherapy in their own homes, reducing unnecessary travel and freeing up hospital beds.



Multidisciplinary care


South America


Models of care

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Acute diagnostic oncology clinics: supporting people with non-specific symptoms of cancer

A hospital trust in England has launched a dedicated clinic to reduce diagnostic delays for people with non-specific or vague symptoms of cancer.



Time to diagnosis




Multidisciplinary care



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The Oncopadi digital clinic: improving access to cancer care and information in Nigeria

In Nigeria, oncologists have launched an online platform to widen access to information and specialist cancer care.

Time to diagnosis




Use of data or digital health


Models of care


Many aspects of care

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Radiotherapy masks: supporting children during treatment for brain, head or neck cancer in England

A play specialist in England paints radiotherapy masks for children undergoing radiotherapy to help them feel more relaxed and involved in their care.





Patient involvement

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The WesFit prehabilitation programme: shortening recovery after surgery for cancer

The WesFit programme in England offers structured exercise and psychological support for people due to have surgery for cancer.





Holistic support


Models of care

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Oncology orientation cancer centres: coordinating cancer care for people in Apulia, Italy

In the Italian region of Apulia, oncology orientation cancer centres coordinate care and provide specialist-led support to people with cancer.



Personalised care


Multidisciplinary care


Many aspects of care

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